SUBJECT: Orthopedic Patient and Resident Safety
This policy is to promote Patient Safety.
Along with the Sponsoring Institution, the program director is responsible for educating residents/fellows and faculty members concerning the professional responsibilities of physicians to appear for duty appropriately rested and fit to provide the services required by their patients
Along with the Sponsoring Institution, the program director is committed to and responsible for promoting patient safety and resident/fellow well being in a supportive educational environment.
Along with the Sponsoring Institution, the program director ensures that residents/fellows are integrated and actively participate in interdisciplinary clinical quality improvement and patient safety programs
Along with the Sponsoring Institution, the program director ensures a structure learning objectives of the program to be accomplished through an appropriate blend of supervised patient care responsibilities, clinical teaching, and didactic educational events and not be compromised by excessive reliance on residents/fellows to fulfill non-physician service obligations.
Along with the Sponsoring Institution, the program director ensures a culture of professionalism that supports patient safety and personal responsibility.
Residents/fellows and faculty members must demonstrate an understanding and acceptance of their personal role in the following:
Assurance of the safety and welfare of patients entrusted to their care
Provision of patient- and family-centered care
Assurance of their fitness for duty
Management of their time before, during, and after clinical assignments
Recognition of impairment, including illness and fatigue, in themselves and in their peers
Attention to lifelong learning
The monitoring of their patient care performance improvement indicators
Honest and accurate reporting of duty hours, patient outcomes and clinical experience data
All residents/fellows and faculty members must demonstrate responsiveness to patient needs that supersedes self-interests. Physicians must recognize that under certain circumstances, the best interests of the patient may be served by transitioning that patient’s care to another qualified and rested provider.